Die Cutting Machine
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Traveling head hydraulic cutting machine

Gerson traveling head hydraulic cutting machine is the die cutting machine with traveling head.

Traveling head hydraulic cutting machine
Traveling head hydraulic cutting machine

1.The traveling head hydraulic cutting machine can be used to cutting out from the material including  leather, rubber, plastic,cork, paper,hard papers, fiber,  fabric,craft products,carpet,gasket materials etc.,

2.It is good for operation with high quality.No special requirement for operator.

3.The traveling cutting head can  move horizontally by hand or automatic control.The automatic move head and cutting can increase the production volume.

4.Also manual feed ,auto feed ,rotation head with nesting software can be choice.

5.High qualtiy hydraulic System specially designed  and manufactured.

6.Any special requirement ,please contact Gerson .

Model GRMA-25,30,40,50,60,80,100,150
Max Cutting Force 25 tons,30 tons ,40 tons,50 tons,60 tons,80 tons,100 tons 150 tons or more
Cutting table Widths 1800~2500mm or more
Cutting Head/Movable trolley 500 x 500mm up to 1000 x 1000mm or more
Gerson can make the cutting machine according to your specifical requirement :

such as cutting force power,worktable size,motor,etc.,

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